
Real Estate

Carbon Copi

Carbon Copi

Software solution created for real estate investors to facilitate the management and tracking of partnerships and deals.

Software solution created for real estate investors to facilitate the management and tracking of partnerships and deals.



UX UI Designer
UX UI Designer



Ongoing project
Ongoing project

Tools Used

Tools Used

Figma, Illustrator
Figma, Illustrator

Problem 🚩

Problem 🚩

Problem 🚩

Real estate investors often struggle with managing partnerships and deals due to a lack of centralized information and communication.


As a result, investors face challenges such as miscommunication, delayed responses, and inefficiencies in deal management, leading to missed opportunities.

Real estate investors often struggle with managing partnerships and deals due to a lack of centralized information and communication.


As a result, investors face challenges such as miscommunication, delayed responses, and inefficiencies in deal management, leading to missed opportunities.

Solution 💡


This project aims to design a software solution that simplifies the management of partnerships and deals, ensuring that all stakeholders have easy access to critical information and can communicate effectively throughout the investment process.

This project aims to design a software solution that simplifies the management of partnerships and deals, ensuring that all stakeholders have easy access to critical information and can communicate effectively throughout the investment process.

User personas

User personas

User personas were created through a combination of user research methods including interviews, surveys and observations. Common patterns were identified and created representations that embody these traits.

User personas were created through a combination of user research methods including interviews, surveys and observations. Common patterns were identified and created representations that embody these traits.

Competitive analysis

Competitive analysis

We analyzed comparable goods and services in the commercial sector to understand their strengths and weaknesses. This revealed market gaps and identified strategies allowing us to position the product uniquely.

We analyzed comparable goods and services in the commercial sector to understand their strengths and weaknesses. This revealed market gaps and identified strategies allowing us to position the product uniquely.

User Flows

User flows

User flows were created to optimize the user journey. It helped us visualize the steps users will take and streamline navigation.

User flows were created to optimize the user journey. It helped us visualize the steps users will take and streamline navigation.

Wireframe process

Wireframe process

Component library

Component library

These are some of the components that were created for the project.
*Note: not all components are shown in this list due to the extensive library*

User Interface

User interface

Here are some screens that were created following extensive brainstorming and discussions about various design ideas.

Due diligence redesign

Due diligence redesign

The client initially developed a concept for their due diligence platform but wanted to redesign the presentation. They felt that the existing layout contained too much information making it difficult to digest, and wanted a more user-friendly design.

Before / Value & comps

Additional elements requested:
1. Add a map view that shows where each of the comparable properties are. The map will have pinned elements that match the address for each property on the table. Google maps api will be used for this.

After / Value & comps

Before / Property info

After / Property info

Before / Demographics

After / Demographics

Landing page design

Landing page design

The client wanted a landing page to showcase their product, emphasizing its key features and benefits.

Next steps / currently working on

Next steps / Currently
working on

  1. Conduct user testing sessions observing user interactions and collecting data.

  2. Iterate on design and make necessary adjustments based on user feedback.

  3. Establish a strategy for continuous user feedback to refine the design post-launch.